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Study and Research

My main research interests include multiagent systems, distributed systems, operating systems, artificial intelligence (constraint satisfaction problems), data structures and algorithms, data communications and networking, parallel programming,and computer security. Check my paper readings to see what topics I'm interested. I lead the Systems Research Group.

I have taken courses in

Software Projects

For me, programming is very important in understanding theoretical concepts in computer science. That is why I cannot say that I have fully grasped a concept unless I write a program for it. I am most comfortable in using C and Java as programming language although I can learn a new one in a short span of time. The following are some of the software that I have written.
DISCLAIMER:The following code are provided as is. I am not liable to any damage that may be caused by using these programs. Use at your own risk.


$Id: research.html 2193 2013-07-20 12:35:56Z jachermocilla $

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