Operating Systems

Second Semester AY 2018-2019


Catalog Description
Course Number CMSC 125
Course Title Operating Systems
Description Processor management, memory management, file and disk management, resource management, concurrent processes, networks and distributed systems.
Prerequisites CMSC 123 or COI
Credit 3 units

The aim of this course is to introduce students to operating systems concepts.

At the end of this course the student should be able to:
  1. describe the purpose and functions of an operating system;
  2. design and implement programs to perform simple operating system tasks; and
  3. evaluate the performance of different operating system algorithms.
Topics (based on ACM's 2013 Curriculum Guidelines)
  1. OS/Overview of Operating Systems
  2. OS/Operating System Principles
  3. OS/Concurrency
  4. OS/Scheduling and Dispatch
  5. OS/Memory Management
  6. OS/Security and Protection
  7. OS/Virtual Machines
  8. OS/Device Management
  9. OS/File Systems
  10. OS/Real Time and Embedded Systems
  11. OS/Fault Tolerance
  12. OS/System Performance and Evaluation
  13. SF/Cross-Layer Communications
  14. SF/Resource Allocation and Scheduling
  15. SF/Virtualization and Isolation
(A) 3 Long Exams 45%
(B) Quizzes/Homeworks 10%
(C) Project 10%
(D) Laboratory 35%
(E) Prefinal A+B+C+D
(F) Final Exam 100%
(G) Final Grade 20%xF+80%xE
Passing grade is 55%. No grade of 4.0 will be given. Grading scale is shown below.
0.00 54.99 5.0
55.00 59.99 3.0
60.00 64.99 2.75
65.00 69.99 2.5
70.00 74.99 2.25
75.00 79.99 2.0
80.00 84.99 1.75
85.00 89.99 1.5
90.00 94.99 1.25
95.00 100 1.0
Attendance Policy

Attendance will be checked every meeting. Students with seven(7) or more absences in the lecture or four(4) or more absences in the lab will be automatically dropped from the course.

Collaboration Policy

Honor Code
  • Properly acknowledge help received.
  • No looking at solutions/programs from previous years.
  • No sharing of code with other students.
  • Be ready to explain your code.
Google Classroom: axgb26


Name Role Email
Joseph Anthony C. Hermocilla Lecturer (Section T) jchermocilla@up.edu.ph
Zenith Arnejo Lab Instructor zoarnejo@up.edu.ph
Joman Encinas Lab Instructor jiencinas@up.edu.ph


Meeting Date Topic Readings
1 1/15/2019 T Introduction
2 1/17/2019 Th Interrupt Timeline [OSBOOK]Ch. 1
3 1/22/2019 T Multitasking
4 1/24/2019 Th I/O Systems
5 1/29/2019 T Open Source Operating Systems
6 1/31/2019 Th Passing parameters to system calls [OSBOOK]Ch. 2
7 2/5/2019 T (no meeting: Chinese New Year Holiday)
8 2/7/2019 Th Simple OS structure: MS-DOS
9 2/12/2019 T System Boot
10 2/14/2019 Th Ready Queue and Device Queue [OSBOOK]Ch. 3
11 2/19/2019 T Process Creation
12 2/21/2019 Th Shared-Memory and Message-Passing
13 2/26/2019 T Exam 1
14 2/28/2019 Th Multithreading Models [OSBOOK]Ch. 4
15 3/5/2019 T Issues associated with threading
16 3/7/2019 Th Synchronization Hardware [OSBOOK]Ch. 5
17 3/12/2019 T Examples of thread synchronization in OSes
18 3/14/2019 Th Round-Robin Scheduling [OSBOOK]Ch. 6
19 3/19/2019 T Multiprocessor Scheduling
20 3/21/2019 Th Evaluating Scheduling Algorithms
21 3/26/2019 T Deadlock Prevention [OSBOOK]Ch. 7
22 3/28/2019 Th (no meeting)
23 4/2/2019 T Logical Address vs. Physical Address [OSBOOK]Ch. 8
24 4/4/2019 Th Dynamic Linking
25 4/9/2019 T (no meeting)
26 4/11/2019 Th Exam 2
27 4/16/2019 T Paging
28 4/18/2019 Th (no meeting: Holy Week))
29 4/23/2019 T (no meeting: after earthquake)
30 4/25/2019 Th Demand Paging
31 4/30/2019 T OPT Page Replacement Algorithm
32 5/2/2019 Th Thrashing
33 5/7/2019 T Effects of Program Structure to Page Fault Rate
34 5/9/2019 Th Mass Storage
35 5/14/2019 T
36 5/16/2019 Th Exam 3


Meeting Date Topic Readings Homework



[OSBOOK]Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne

Supplementary Textbooks
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