I teach Operating Systems, Computers Networks, Distributed Systems, and Cybersecurity classes.
You can read my views on learning and my teaching philosophy.
The following are the courses I taught in the past with links to old course pages.
Graduate Courses
Undergraduate Courses
- CMSC 199, Undergraduate Seminar
- CMSC 198, Practicum
- CMSC 191, Special Topics (Cybersecurity) [2023-1][2022-2][2022-1][2021-2][2021-1][2020-2][2020-1][2019-1][2018-2][2018-1][2017-2][2017-1]
- CMSC 190, Special Problems
- CMSC 165, Digital Image Processing
- CMSC 150, Numerical and Symbolic Computation
- CMSC 137, Data Communications and Networking [2022-2][2021-2][2020-2][2020-1][2018-1][2017-1]
- CMSC 132, Computer Architecture [2022-1][2020-1][2019-2]
- CMSC 131, Machine Organization and Assembly Language Programming [2019-1]
- CMSC 128, Introduction to Software Engineering
- CMSC 127, File Processing and Database Systems
- CMSC 125, Operating Systems [2023-1][2022-1][2021-1][2020-1][2019-2][2018-2][2017-2]
- CMSC 124, Programming Languages
- CMSC 123, Data Structures
- CMSC 100, Web Programming
- CMSC 22, Object-oriented Programming
- CMSC 21, Fundamentals of Programming
- CMSC 12, Foundations of Computer Science [2020-2]
- CMSC 11, Introduction to Computer Science
- CMSC 2, Introduction to the Internet
- CMSC 1, Introduction to Personal Computing